I am an experienced video-journalist, capable of reporting breaking news and feature-length current affairs with only the equipment on my back (or the boot of a car).
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I am a multi-skilled video-journalist, with experience working independently, both in front of and behind the camera, in some of Asia’s most remote locations.
During my ten-year career in broadcast journalism, I have told unique, distinctive stories from across the region, winning awards both for the quality of my journalism and camera skills.
I have covered elections in Sri Lanka, bushfires in Australia, protests in the Palestinian Territories, high-profile court trials and coronial inquests, refugee policy, as well as defence and trade issues, to name a few.
In 2015, I was awarded the Grand Prize for Television Broadcasting at the Human Rights Press Awards in Hong Kong for my report ‘A War on Witches’ (Al Jazeera).
My tertiary qualifications include a Masters in Strategic Studies from the Australian National University and a Double Degree in Journalism and International Relations from Curtin University.